
Lurk 0.5 Benchmarks

"Fibonacci Gradatim" - Photo credit: Ludde Lorentz, Attribution (Unsplash License)

Skip to the graphs, the full results and methodology, or read on to discover how Lurk has evolved to empower developers with unparalleled performance and usability in zero-knowledge programming.

Just over three years ago, we set out to create Lurk with the goal of making it the best zk programming language — a tool that would make it easier for developers to leverage the power of zero-knowledge proofs in their applications.

image Lurk initial-commit

To us, being the best meant excelling in several key areas:

  • Expressive Turing-completeness, enabling users to write versatile and powerful programs.
  • Ease of authoring and auditing proof programs, making development and maintenance more straightforward.
  • Support for standard, persistent, private data, giving users secure and consistent control over their data.
  • Performance — a suite of interrelated properties designed to minimize latency, memory consumption, capital expenditure (CaPex), and operational expenses (OpEx), while maximizing throughput and scalability.

The first version of Lurk laid a strong foundation in terms of expressiveness, ease of use, and data privacy. However, we knew that performance was an area where we would face intense competition from other zkVM projects.

Our approach to performance has been multi-faceted:

  • The Lurk language is designed to express semantics minimally, directly translating into concise and efficient proofs. By focusing on proving exactly what the programmer intends, we minimize costs and improve performance.
  • We embraced folding schemes through Nova, which promised excellent performance in zkVMs like Lurk.
  • We aimed to integrate NIVC (Non-Interactive Verifiable Computation) to allow for high-performance cryptographic computations to be scripted by Lurk—a critical component for achieving best-in-class performance.

Our bet on Nova, though it was a very new technology at the time, was driven by our vision to bring the highest-performing zkVM to our users. This led us to develop Arecibo, our first observatory prover backend, which played a key role in polishing an early version of SuperNova and bringing NIVC online. Alongside ongoing optimization efforts, these initiatives allowed us to make good progress with our Lurk Beta release.

However, benchmarks remained a crucial but elusive measure of our progress. The Fibonacci benchmark, though not entirely representative of Lurk’s real-world usage, emerged as an industry-standard for measuring zkVM performance. While it posed challenges, it also fueled our creativity and led us to develop new solutions.

In December 2023, we introduced Memoset, our abstraction for integrating lookup arguments into Lurk. This innovation addresses circuit-packing challenges, reduces the cost of hashing in Lurk’s data model, and unlocks memoization —- a powerful optimization for functional algorithms.

Then, in late February 2024, Succinct Labs made a splash with their SP1 blog post claiming that their alpha release was ‘up to 28x faster for certain programs’. After running some benchmarks locally, it became clear that we were 55x slower than SP1 on the Fibonacci test. This performance gap was a disservice to our hypothetical users, and it prompted a pivotal shift in our approach.

In response, we focused our efforts on addressing these performance issues head-on. In late March, we decided to attack the immediate performance needs for our light clients with Sphinx, our second observatory backend, while simultaneously porting our Memoset and core Lurk development to use the same backend. This one-two punch of STARKs and Memoset became crucial in transforming Lurk into the high-performance zkVM we envisioned.

Now, after almost six months of intensive work, we’re proud to release Lurk 0.5. This release marks a significant step forward, with a language and zkVM that fully exploit program structure to avoid redundant computation through functional memoization. While there are still important optimizations ahead, we are excited to demonstrate Lurk’s excellence across all the necessary categories for a leading zk programming language.

As you explore the benchmarks below, keep in mind that every improvement and optimization we’ve made is aimed at making the Lurk user-experience more powerful, efficient, and effective.

The Graphs

Our benchmark selection here is mostly geared toward illustrating problems for which Lurk’s adaptations make it well-suited. The most interesting comparisons are between Lurk and Sphinx. Because they share the same backend codebase, these comparisons provide the best apples-to-apples comparison between Lurk and RISC-V performance. We ran all benchmarks with default parameters, as well as two alternate configurations to tease out observable differences.

Also potentially interesting are the differences between Sphinx and SP1 — although intended to be transient (we aspire to be good open-source citizens, to SP1 as to Nova before it). These reflect Argument’s ethos of engineering and innovation.

Finally, we’ve included Risc0 and Jolt in order to provide a picture of how other RISC-V backends perform. Where these implementations excel, it may be instructive to consider the result of porting Lurk to them. Remember, Lurk is a language first and foremost — promoting correctness and performance by design. Argument is committed to performance and to ensuring Lurk can always run on competitive contemporary provers, just as our recent work demonstrates.

NOTE: in all benchmarks below, lower is better.


The dreaded Fibonacci. Lurk isn’t quite the fastest, but Sphinx is.

As a point of interest, check the Lurk source. We implement the most naive recursive algorithm but perform in the same class as the imperative, looping implementation you expect to perform well.

image fib source: Lurk (5 LOC), Rust (8 LOC)


Longest common subsequence (lcs) is an important real-world algorithm, underlying, for example, the diff program. It is also an example of dynamic programming — a technique which can especially benefit from Lurk’s memoization. Note that RISC-V cannot natively memoize because of its dependence on mutable memory.

The Lurk program is only 12 lines, most of which is a simple transcription of the algorithm’s description.

By contrast, the Rust program must either explicitly memoize at the program level — or, more efficiently, build an explicit table.

Note that even though the Rust program uses the more efficient (for an imperative language) tabling strategy, Lurk outperforms the RISC-V implementations.

image lcs source: Lurk (12 LOC), Rust (42 LOC)


Because the effect of compilation can be opaque, it’s hard (especially when working with a relatively novel target like RISC-V) to know how an implementation will perform. Here we tried an alternate, somewhat simpler Rust program — but it performed worse.

Interestingly, the simpler Lurk program frequently tends to be the better-performing one. To a first approximation, Lurk lets you ‘say what you mean’, and performance comes for free with the intent-based reduction strategy.

image lcs2 source: Rust (33 LOC)


Although this benchmark is called sum, it mainly exercises a VM’s ability to handle large input. Lurk was designed from the ground up to natively process content-addressed data (Merkle DAGs), so it’s no surprise that it’s 5x faster than Sphinx and 10x faster than the next nearest competitor (Jolt).

image sum source: Lurk (3 LOC) Rust (1 LOC)


Life is more than just cycle counts and frequencies. Wouldn’t it be nice to just calculate Fibonacci fast? This benchmark will compute Fibonacci for the largest u64 with a prescribed (but speedy) algorithm — efficiently exponentiating a rank 2 square matrix. Unlike the dynamic programming problems, this one is lean and clear in Rust:

// [0, 1, 2, 3] = |0 1|
//                |2 3|
type Matrix2x2 = [u64; 4];

fn matmul(a: Matrix2x2, b: Matrix2x2) -> Matrix2x2 {
        a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[2],
        a[0] * b[1] + a[1] * b[3],
        a[1] * b[0] + a[3] * b[2],
        a[2] * b[1] + a[3] * b[3],

fn fast_matexp(mut b: Matrix2x2, mut e: u64) -> Matrix2x2 {
    let mut acc = [1, 0, 0, 1]; // identity matrix

    while e > 0 {
        if e % 2 == 1 {
            // odd?
            acc = matmul(b, acc);
            e = (e - 1) / 2;
        } else {
            e = e / 2;
        b = matmul(b, b);

fn fib(n: u64) -> u64 {
    fast_matexp([0, 1, 1, 1], n + 1)[0]

And the Lurk is almost directly equivalent this time, in accordance with this Fibonacci specification.

(letrec ((matmul (lambda (a b) ;; 2x2 matrix multiplication
                   (cons (cons (+ (* (car (car a)) (car (car b)))
                                  (* (cdr (car a)) (car (cdr b))))
                               (+ (* (car (car a)) (cdr (car b)))
                                  (* (cdr (car a)) (cdr (cdr b)))))
                         (cons (+ (* (car (cdr a)) (car (car b)))
                                  (* (cdr (cdr a)) (car (cdr b))))
                               (+ (* (car (cdr a)) (cdr (car b)))
                                  (* (cdr (cdr a)) (cdr (cdr b))))))))
         (fast-matexp (lambda (b e)
                        (if (= e 0)
                            '((1 . 0) . (0 . 1)) ;; identity matrix
                            (if (= (% e 2) 1) ;; (odd? e)
                                (matmul b (fast-matexp (matmul b b) (/ (- e 1) 2)))
                                (fast-matexp (matmul b b) (/ e 2))))))
         (fib (lambda (n)
                (car (car (fast-matexp '((0 . 1) . (1 . 1)) (+ n 1)))))))
  (fib 18446744073709551614))

Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker. Thank you, Fibonacci, for challenging us to do our best. Lurk takes this hands down — a bit over a quintillion times faster (from fib(~10^1) to fib(~10^19)) than when we started. And with just a little bit of cheating. But what’s a better algorithm between friends?

image fastfib source: Lurk (18 LOC), Rust (32 LOC)

Conclusion: Look Ma, no Compiler

As a parting thought, please remember that all Lurk benchmarks above are purely interpreted. Lurk avoids the significant risks, costs, and complexities associated with ahead-of-time compilation for zero-knowledge proofs. This simplistic choice shows in our source code which (if you can read Lisp) clearly demonstrates that it’s not necessary to bend over backwards to please the borrow checker, or to coerce the compiler into producing performant code.

We’ve shown you don’t need compilation, but that doesn’t mean compilation cannot be an incredibly valuable tool — both for correctness and for performance. Compilation needs to be put into context and folded into the stack in a way that adds value in all categories we require of our zk programming language. We just don’t happen to believe RISC-V is the right target to highlight that value. In the fullness of time, we hope to show you what we mean.

Full Results and Methodology

Table of Contents


This report shows the CPU-only (no GPU acceleration) benchmarks for Lurk 0.5, Sphinx, SP1, Risc0 and Jolt. These results were obtained with commit 97d8ac620fc9c90139dce6aa45c8856f444d2d2d.

Benchmark Results

Times are in seconds, memory is in GiB. Lurk cycles are approximated by the number of calls to the eval function. For Sphinx/SP1 cycles are reported at the end of proving. For Risc0 we use the user cycle count. For Jolt we use the reported trace length.

The three tables correspond to different sets of parameters used during proving described in Environment Variables below.


Regular fibonacci (fib)

Input: 100000 (10^5)

Output: 2754320626097736315

Benchmark sources: Lurk, Sphinx, SP1, Risc0, Jolt

Setup0.004 s2.809 s3.899 s0.000 s5.713 s
Prove19.418 s20.625 s18.572 s27.243 s15.948 s
Verify0.235 s0.208 s0.264 s0.0268 s0.378 s
Memory12.149 GiB12.887 GiB12.643 GiB8.414 GiB29.604 GiB
Setup0.004 s3.033 s4.313 s
Prove15.766 s10.788 s13.052 s
Verify0.234 s0.297 s0.365 s
Memory12.105 GiB9.872 GiB10.188 GiB
Setup0.004 s3.098 s4.350 s
Prove16.016 s16.451 s19.920 s
Verify0.234 s0.210 s0.267 s
Memory12.152 GiB12.803 GiB12.636 GiB

Fast fibonacci (fastfib)

Input: 18446744073709551614 (2^64 - 1)

Output: 16044305833753766745

Benchmark sources: Lurk, Sphinx, SP1, Risc0, Jolt

Setup0.005 s2.790 s3.913 s0.000 s5.609 s
Prove0.528 s1.340 s1.383 s0.982 s0.750 s
Verify0.290 s0.196 s0.249 s0.011 s0.108 s
Memory0.211 GiB2.301 GiB3.278 GiB0.708 GiB0.632 GiB
Setup0.005 s3.089 s4.390 s
Prove0.472 s1.265 s1.708 s
Verify0.285 s0.202 s0.255 s
Memory0.188 GiB2.674 GiB3.322 GiB
Setup0.005 s3.129 s4.323 s
Prove0.472 s1.276 s1.452 s
Verify0.285 s0.199 s0.252 s
Memory0.192 GiB2.668 GiB3.327 GiB

Sum of vector (sum)

Input: 0..100000 (0..10^5)

Output: 4999950000

Benchmark sources: Lurk, Sphinx, SP1, Risc0, Jolt

Setup1.938 s2.882 s3.989 s0.000 s0.959 s
Prove18.612 s221.433 s275.728 s596.713 s178.446 s
Verify0.237 s0.581 s2.295 s0.567 s13.118 s
Memory12.474 GiB55.584 GiB319.32 GiB8.456 GiB192.89 GiB
Setup2.055 s3.075 s4.337 s
Prove15.881 s82.700 s222.915 s
Verify0.252 s1.764 s8.052 s
Memory12.457 GiB104.494 GiB94.949 GiB
Setup2.056 s3.122 s4.405 s
Prove16.153 s106.908 s292.379 s
Verify0.236 s0.593 s2.321 s
Memory12.468 GiB107.86 GiB303.178 GiB

LCS (lcs/lcs2)

Input: (“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another”, “There must be some kind of way outta here Said the joker to the thief. There’s too much confusion. I can’t get no relief.“)

Output: Any length 55 subsequence (e.g. “he e oe of a tt ee a e oe to the ti s ch connct et noe”, “here mst beome nay o e eoe to the ti s h connct et nor”)

For Rust-based zkVMs, there are two implementations of LCS (lcs and lcs2), indicated below separately. The Lurk numbers are repeated in both tables for comparison.


Benchmark sources: Lurk, Sphinx, SP1, Risc0, Jolt

Setup0.005 s2.790 s3.954 s0.000 s7.866 s
Prove7.943 s20.168 s9.553 s27.168 s15.741 s
Verify0.238 s0.207 s0.264 s0.026 s0.454 s
Memory5.432 GiB12.697 GiB12.696 GiB8.432 GiB32.502 GiB
Setup0.005 s3.148 s4.306 s
Prove7.306 s9.483 s12.328 s
Verify0.239 s0.293 s0.376 s
Memory5.404 GiB8.024 GiB8.788 GiB
Setup0.005 s3.128 s4.298 s
Prove6.699 s15.677 s19.058 s
Verify0.244 s0.210 s0.267 s
Memory5.418 GiB12.644 GiB12.723 GiB


Benchmark sources: Lurk, Sphinx, SP1, Risc0, Jolt

Setup0.005 s2.829 s3.958 s0.000 s0.967 s
Prove7.943 s47.354 s43.420 s96.829 s32.335 s
Verify0.238 s0.209 s0.386 s0.101 s0.698 s
Memory5.432 GiB26.966 GiB25.210 GiB8.434 GiB65.846 GiB
Setup0.005 s3.074 s4.455 s
Prove7.306 s19.535 s24.189 s
Verify0.239 s0.482 s0.739 s
Memory5.404 GiB23.808 GiB29.639 GiB
Setup0.005 s3.079 s4.324 s
Prove6.699 s36.767 s46.019 s
Verify0.244 s0.212 s0.390 s
Memory5.418 GiB26.901 GiB25.394 GiB


Environment Variables

  • RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native -C opt-level=3"

The configurations below only apply to Sphinx/SP1 backends. They were chosen via benchmarking of our light clients (see docs for Aptos, Ethereum).

’Default’ parameters

Nothing is set or overridden, all defaults are used.

[A] parameters

For Lurk/Sphinx:

SHARD_SIZE=1048576 \

For SP1, do not set SHARD_BATCH_SIZE=0 as it will not work.

[B] parameters

For Lurk/Sphinx:

SHARD_SIZE=4194304 \

For SP1, do not set SHARD_BATCH_SIZE=0 as it will not work.

The parameter choices do two things:

Tweak SHARD_SIZE for more or fewer shards: Setting SHARD_SIZE lower increases parallelism (i.e. there are more shards, and they can be committed/proven in parallel) at the cost of more memory and increased verifier/recursion costs (i.e. the more shards, the more work the verifier needs to do). Same thing with the SHARD_CHUNKING_MULTIPLIER (though SHARD_SIZE is the main control knob. Here [A] has more shards (smaller shards) than [B] does.

Disable memory-saving codepaths for optimal performance. Setting RECONSTRUCT_COMMITMENTS=false (or any of the other variables) for example changes nothing except the prover just saves data in-memory instead of recalculating it, which is less work but uses more memory. Setting SHARD_BATCH_SIZE=0 disables checkpointing completely, so the proof needs to fit in working RAM since the prover will not flush intermediate artifacts to disk. These options are just “free” performance as long as the proof is not too large for the given prover (which is the case here). Here both options are using the same variables.

The latter is the same between both [A]/[B] layouts (i.e. they both disable the same checkpointing settings, making it faster at the cost of memory). The difference is in the sizes (and thus the amount) of shards, which changes how much parallelism is achievable in the proof. Generally, the more shards the more parallelism can help at a higher verifier cost. This is because committing to Merkle trees involves a lot of hashing which is very linear work (you can’t calculate a single hash using multiple threads, but you can calculate multiple hashes in multiple threads). Lowering shard size/increasing shard count means that more shards can be worked on in parallel, as a trade-off. This means even though [A] could have slightly lower prover costs, it does so at the expense of verifier costs (this is more pronounced in “recursive verifiers”, but is generally true).

Security Level

These benchmarks used standard FRI parameters targeting a conjectured security level of 116-bits for Lurk, Sphinx, and SP1 — and the default values for Risc0. The only outlier that does not use FRI is Jolt, which relies on the discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves for its security arguments.


AWS r7iz.metal-32xl instance
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 3.9GHz
128 vCPUs

Full specs

NOTE: The r7iz.metal-32xl has the best CPU-only performance we’ve found in a commodity cloud machine for Sphinx and SP1. This is primarily due to the high vCPU and memory count, coupled with the Sapphire Rapids CPU architecture for recent AVX512 support.


The benchmark files can be found at

Update on Risc0 cycle counts (September 5, 2024): Previously we reported the Risc0 cycle count as the reported “total cycles” count, which actually includes, among other things, padding to the nearest power of 2. This was an oversight on our part since the padding should not have been considered. We have changed the values to the “user cycles” count, which does not include any padding or overhead from continuations, and should be a closer comparison with the Sphinx/SP1 RISC-V cycle counts.