
Our Mission

The mission of Argument Computer Corporation is to accelerate verifiable computing.

We mean acceleration both in direct sense of improving the performance characteristics of verifiable computing technologies, as well as in the broader sense of promoting their widespread social and industrial adoption. Or simply, we want to make it fast, and we want to make it popular. These are not unrelated goals.

We see the convergence of the following verification technologies:

  1. Verification by formalization, particularly Curry-Howard systems such as proof assistants and dependently-typed languages
  2. Verification by cryptographic argument, such as zero-knowledge proofs
  3. Verification by replication such as blockchain networks

Each of these approaches can enhance the others. Formalization can protect cryptographic protocols and blockchain systems from billion-dollar disasters. Zero-knowledge proofs allow blockchains to scale with privacy, and can compress safety predicates, including formal proofs, into succinct kilobyte-sized certificates and prevent billion-dollar software supply-chain disasters. Blockchain networks create a platform upon which software safety certificates and other proof-driven applications can be securely deployed and distributed to the end-user.

We aim for a world of unbreakable, scalable, private, decentralized software. Here’s how we get there:

  1. Build a fast, safe, ergonomic, portable zero-knowledge prover.
  2. Use the prover to build a scalable, secure, connected proof-deployment platform.
  3. Through the prover and platform, enable mass-market adoption of proof-driven technologies, including formal verification and decentralized finance.
  4. Overhaul the computing stack, from drivers to compilers to web-apps, to gain the enormous performance and safety benefits of proofs.

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